Urgent Appeal
Gaza Emergency Appeal - Donate Now
Urgent Appeal
Gaza Emergency Appeal - Donate Now
In the latest food security programme, we supported some of the poorest families in Gaza who owned land that was not being used. We located 84 families with female heads of household and they were trained in the latest sustainable farming techniques.
Eighty-four home gardens were planted with herbs, vegetables and fruit, and provided with goats / sheep, rabbits and chickens. Families were further provided with a water tank and a simple piping irrigation system. With good management, these home gardens will be able to supply fruit and vegetables, as well as meat and dairy products such as eggs, milk and cheese. Welfare Association conducted follow-up visits to a number of these families one year after project completion.
On one of our follow-up visits we met with Nadine
Nadine lives with her husband and their five children, both are unable to find work. They live in the Zeitun area of Gaza and own a small area of land around their home. Through the WA Food Security programme, Nadine received training on best practice farming techniques and management of farm animals. She then received 2 goats / sheep, 3 rabbits, 27 hens and 3 roosters, and was able to establish her home garden of around 300 square metres – surrounded by fencing and including a simple piping irrigation system.
Nadine and her family have been able to sustain and expand their home garden. The number of goats / sheep has increased from 2 to 6 and the family plans to increase the number of sheep in the future in order to get more milk – which they can sell at the local market and also to process it and make cheese. The number of hens increased to 50 and they produce an average of 18 eggs per day. The number of eggs produced doubled in spring and summer time! The family uses some of the eggs for home consumption as a source of protein, and sell the remaining quantities in the local market to help secure an income to meet their other living needs. The income generated from selling the eggs is around US$80 per month. The number of rabbits increased to 34. The family sold 24 rabbits and have kept 10. The income generated from selling the rabbits is almost US$200.
The family takes advantage of the water network that was installed during the project’s implementation, and have planted additional agricultural products including squash, eggplant, corn and a wide variety of herbs. The family is able to secure around US$10 per month just from selling the herbs.
This project enabled Nadine to improve her standard of living (for herself and her family) and to continue to generate sustainable food and income for her family on a regular basis.
*Names have been changed
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