Ghassan’s story

Supporting children with special needs



Ghassan is a six year-old boy, born with muscular atrophy. He is enrolled in a special education centre in Gaza (run by the Society of Physically Handicapped People, SPHP). The manager of the centre explained to the WA project team that Ghassan does not hear well, and so staff at the centre need to raise their voice when talking to him. She also reported that his progress in class is not as good as it used to be. She informed his parents and asked them to have his hearing checked but Ghassan’s father unfortunately could not afford the examination costs, as he cares for a large family and his wife has cancer.

Through this project, Ghassan was provided with hearing and sight tests. He was diagnosed with extreme loss of hearing and received two hearing aids.

After receiving his hearing aids, his teacher commented: 

“Ghassan has shown a remarkable increase in his attention and concentration in class and in his interaction with his classmates and teachers. He is now making steady progress.” 

When interviewed, Ghassan’s father said: 

“Before this project, Ghassan hated going to the centre. The staff there used to raise their voice for him to hear and he thought that they were shouting at him. This made him feel very embarrassed in front of his friends. Even his classmates were not talking to him as they also had to raise their voices. Now that he has received hearing aids, Ghassan told me that he is able to hear voices around him clearly. He understands what the teachers say and he has friends now who he plays with. Thank you for supporting this project that has helped my son so much.” 

*Names have been changed